
Almost three years ago I packed up my pretty “perfect” life living on the glorious Gold Coast, Australia in search of an adventure in the concrete jungle of dreams NYC. Back in the land of Oz I had a gorgeous pad right on the beach, a successful business which allowed me to pursue my love of dance and exotic vacations, not to mention the best friends and family a person could hope for and yet the draw of city life was luring me. So I took a leap of faith and jumped off the ledge trading it all in for central park views and a fire escape on the Upper West Side of Manhattan. It certainly has been a whirlwind of adventure on all fronts – work, friends, travel, dating but I wouldn’t change any of it. Magic DOES happen in the big apple! Stay tuned for some insightful, inspirational and hilarious stories from  but the adventures of this “Strayan in the City” img_3261